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Why REN (Clean and Sustainable) Skincare Should Be on Your Radar

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REN Skincare is a brand I’ve known and seen on the shelves of Space NK and Sephora for years. They are, without a doubt, a top-shelf premium skincare brand that is recognized internationally. But I have more recently discovered it was more than a super sleek brand, but that REN had attractive unique selling points such as being clean ingredient-driven and has a solid plan for sustainability. Finding clean products is already hard enough these days, although becoming slightly easier, like with brands like REN making real moves. I am impressed with their ingredients list. In keeping with clean ingredients, they only use 100% natural fragrances, nothing synthetic which is essential. After all, I really do think that scent is a part of the self-care experience- but we all deserve the real thing when it comes to scent.

Clean AND Sustainable???!

I made my first REN purchase during the 2019 Lululemon Sweatlife Festival here in London. I popped by because their sunscreen has been on my hit list for a while, but also because they threw a few body wash bottles into the bathrooms as hand soap during the festival. The smell was beyond lush and it was a great brand awareness move. My interest in REN was also ignited when I saw they had a stand at the festival, highlighting two eco-clean headliner products they were promoting amongst other best sellers. Learning about their new sustainability and clean product goals was genuinely exciting and I was ready to get on board right away.

A True Industry leader

They are working on some really important things as a beauty industry brand. I have learned that they partner with TerraCycle to introduce bottles that are 20% recycled ocean plastics and 80% plastic recycled from empty bottles for two of their current products. Further, this is something they plan to expand on throughout their lines which is awesome. The products packaged in this new recycled plastic mix include their Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Anti Fatigue Body Wash (perfect post-gym) and their Clean Screen Mineral SPF 30 sunscreen (a daily must). 

The Ultimate Investment

The actual products themselves are heavenly in scent as I noted before and if you’re like me, you like to use your purchasing power for the better of yourself, but also the planet when it’s possible. Investing in your skin and the planet at the same time can be a feat, but the opportunity is here and REN is killing the game with the direction they are heading. Say no to harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrance, waste, and irresponsible packaging with Ren’s top-notch skincare line.